Note that for data protection purposes, no applicant data is stored on this website. Unfortunately, as a result, this form cannot be partially completed and returned to at a later point. It is therefore recommended that applicants scan through all questions first to understand the information needed and collate that BEFORE starting an application. If you need a copy of the data supplied to us, please press the PRINT button in your browser before finally pressing to submit at the end of the form. Section 1 - Organisation Applying for Funds Organisation Name and Address Details Name of your organisation House number City/Town* Postcode* General/Office Email Street* County* Website (if any) General/Office Telephone How did you find out about us? (this helps us find out how effectively we are reaching those organisations who could use our help) Please add links to your organisation's social media pages if you have one (this helps us see the good work you are already doing) Main Contact Person These are the details that will be used for correspondence purposes. Title MrMsMrsOther Forename(s) Surname Job title Work/Office Phone Email Address Mobile Phone Tick here to use organisation's address (above) for all correspondence, otherwise fill in your personal address details below [group nd-address] House number City/Town Postcode Street County [/group] Organisation's Start Date* What type of organisation are you? Select as many as appropriate A registered charityCompany limited by guaranteeUnincorporated club or associationCommunity interest companyCharitable Incorporated OrganisationOther [group if-others] Other? Please explain what type of organisation are you representing?: [/group] [group if-charity] Please enter your charity number: [/group] [group if-company] Please enter your company number: [/group] What is the objective of your organisation? Are you part of a larger regional or national organisation? yesno [group if-larger] Please state name of organisation [/group] If your organisation also operates in areas outside of the former borough of Christchurch, please explain how you will ensure any funds granted will be restricted to benefit Christchurch residents. Governance Please confirm you have at least 3 unrelated trustees/committee members responsible for your organisation/group and its activities yes Organisation's Income Over Last Accounting Year ( £ ) We will review your organisation's accounts as part of the decision making process. Has your financial position changed materially since the last published accounts? yesno [group if-finChanged] Please explain how your financial position has changed and why: [/group] Section 2 - The Project Project Details Project Name Project / funding start date Project / funding end date Which areas will benefit from your project. Please note that we are only able to fund activities that will benefit people in the Christchurch area (which includes all areas shown on the drop-down menu). Christchurch TownJumpers / Fairmile / St Catherines HillHurn / CommonsSomerfordMudeford / StanpitHighcliffe / WalkfordBurtonAll Explain the project that you are wanting us to help fund (up to 400 words) If this project does not have a fixed end date, how will you continue to fund the project when the funding ends Section 3 - The impact this grant would have Beneficiaries How many people will benefit from this funding? Estimated number of volunteers involved Primary Beneficiary - Select a single option to represent the primary beneficiary group for this grant Choose an optionBlack, Asian and minority ethnicCarersChildren and young peopleEx-offenders/offenders/At risk of offendingFamilies/Parents/Lone parentsHomeless peopleLesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered groupLocal residentsLong-term unemployedMenNot in education, employment and training (NEET 16-24)Older peoplePeople with alcohol/drug addictionsPeople in care or suffering serious illnessPeople with learning difficultiesPeople with low skill levelPeople with mental health issuesPeople with multiple disabilitiesPeople with physical difficultiesPeople Living in povertyRefugees/asylum seekers/immigrantsVictims of crime/violence/abuseWomen What difference will this project make to the lives of the people in Christchurch who will benefit? Age Profile Primary age group - select a single option to represent the primary age group for this grant Choose an optionEarly years (0-4)Children (5-12)Young people (13-18)Young adults (19-25)Adults (26-65)Seniors (65+)All ages Section 4 - Project Budget and Consent Project Budget What is the total cost of the project? How much money are you applying to us for? Budget Breakdown Summary. Either give details here or if you have a prepared budget, you can upload it using the button below. Upload Your Detailed Budget If the grant does not cover your total project costs, please tell us whether the remaining funds have already been raised, or where they will come from. Supporting Documents • Please click on the attachments button at the bottom of this page to upload your supporting documents. Whenever possible, please submit attachments as pdfs. (We appreciate that new and emerging groups may not be able to supply supporting documents - alternatives for these groups indicated below) 1. Your governing document (eg constitution, memorandum & articles or set of rules). 2. Your most recent set of annual accounts 3. A bank statement no more than 3 months old (clearly showing account name, number and sort code) 4. Your safeguarding policy 5. The most recent Annual Report of your activities as sent to stakeholders (if you have one separate to the accounts) If you experience difficulties uploading documents please email them to [email protected] when you submit your application. File Size limit 5MB per file Please provide any further information that will assist the Trustees to consider your application If the Trustees agree to make a grant, please provide the name of the bank account to which the monies should be sent and provide the name of the Bank, the sort code and account number. If these differ from the details on the Bank Statement provided, please give reasons. Do you have more than 6 months delivery experience? yesno [group if-lessthan6m] Groups with less than 6 months direct service delivery experience should provide the details of a organisation/referee who can endorse you AND receive & manage the money on your behalf Referee forename Referee surname Referee company name Referee position Referee email Referee phone Please advise how long you have been running and how you are able to give assurances that the project will be run appropriately. [/group] Declarations I confirm that the information given on the application form is true and my organisation has formally agreed that I can act on their behalf. I confirm that I have attached all required supporting documents. I confirm that this application does not result in any personal gain - financial or otherwise I confirm that these funds are for charitable and/or non-profit purposes/activities yes If funded, I agree to the following (YOU MUST TICK THE BOX UNDERNEATH THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO CONFIRM): 1. The organisation and main contact details, and the details of the application, can be shared with the Trustees of Christchurch Charitable Trust 2. The grant can only be used for the purpose for which it has been granted. 3. The grant applicants must normally start the funded activities within three months of receipt of the funds unless agreed otherwise. 4. Any funds remaining after the end of the grant period and any agreed extensions, must be returned to Christchurch Charitable Trust 5. The relevant Safeguarding policies are to be adhered to at all times. In the case of New & Emerging groups who do not have a Safeguarding policy, they should not have direct unsupervised contact with children or vulnerable adults and all workers should be aware of how to raise any Safeguarding concerns by referring to BCP Council websites as appropriate 6. Grant recipients will be required to complete an End of Grant Report, to confirm how the funds have been used and benefits that have been provided to the community. 7. Unless agreed otherwise, it is acknowledged the Christchurch Charitable Trust may refer to the giving of the grant for the purposes of publicity. 8. We reserve the right to recover the Grant in whole or in part or to reclaim any equipment purchased under this agreement, should the funded activities not go ahead or the organisation cease to exist. 10. The grant recipient is responsible for insurance against risks which may arise from any activities or property which is grant aided, including loss or personal injury to persons undertaking those activities. Christchurch Charitable Trust is not liable for any contingency involving property or activities for which they have provided grant aid in whole or in part. 11. The grant recipient should ensure services provided by and through the grant are underpinned by equality and diversity principles. Ensuring there is no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, or any religious affiliation. Providing equal access to employment/volunteering opportunities and services for your beneficiary group. Tick to confirm acceptance of the above terms and conditions Application Date: WHEN YOU PRESS SUBMIT, THE APPLICATION WILL BE SENT TO US AND YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMING OUR RECEIPT. If you want a copy of the data you have entered, please press print via your browser before pressing Submit. Once Submit has been pressed, please wait until the process has checked the content and formats in certain fields. This may take a few seconds (do not press submit again). You will then get a message at the bottom of this screen saying that the request has successfully been sent. If there are errors in fields there will be a message to that effect at the bottom of this form, and the necessary fields will be highlighted in red. Amend any required and then press submit again. Once you have successfully submitted please wait 5-10 mins for the receipt email (check your Spam folders also!).